0115 987 6790

Settlement Agreement Solicitors in Nottingham

If your employer has given you a settlement agreement
Specialist Employment Lawyers
in Nottingham
Employment law. Plain and simple
If your employer has given you a settlement agreement Integra’s specialist employment law solicitors will give you straightforward advice about the deal offered and whether to take it. We can also negotiate with your employer to achieve the best possible outcome for you. Whilst we are based in Nottingham we can help you wherever you are as usually it isn’t necessary to meet face to face.
Specialist offering
Advice on settlement agreements for employees
What is a settlement agreement?
A settlement agreement is a legally binding agreement between an employer and an employee. In it the employee usually agrees to accept a compensation payment from the employer in return for the employee agreeing not to bring employment related claims against the employer. Settlement agreements are often used to bring the employee’s employment to an end, or after it has already come to an end.

As well as financial compensation, a settlement agreement will often also include terms dealing with matters such as:

  • The terms of a reference for any prospective future employer
  • What you can and cannot do after your employment has come to an end
  • Confidentiality
  • When your employment will come to an end
  • Payment for accrued holiday which you haven’t taken
  • Return of any of your employer’s property or information you may have

Do I need a Solicitor?
Yes you do. For a settlement agreement to be binding the employee must have had independent legal advice. Integra’s specialist employment lawyers will advise you of your rights.

Before you reach any agreement with your employer we will give you the peace of mind of knowing that you have secured the best possible outcome. We will advise you whether what you are being offered is a good deal, and will negotiate with your employer on your behalf to secure improved terms. We will:

  • Advise you on the terms and effect of the proposed agreement
  • Advise you on your “fallback position” if you do not want to accept the terms
  • Negotiate on your behalf to secure improved terms
  • Negotiate on your behalf to agree the terms of a reference

How much will it cost?
Because it is a legal requirement that an employee receives independent legal advice before entering into a settlement agreement, employers will usually pay a contribution towards the cost of taking advice. This is usually limited to a fixed sum and will only become payable in the event that the agreement is actually concluded.

In straightforward cases the employer’s contribution is normally sufficient to cover all legal costs and, if this is not likely to be the case, we seek to negotiate a higher contribution from the employer.

If the employer’s contribution to costs is likely to be insufficient we will discuss this with you before incurring costs.

If you have been offered a settlement agreement by your employer call for a no obligation chat on 0115 987 6790 or email us at

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Specialist Team
Sally Laughton
Previously a Partner in an East Midlands firm, Sally represents businesses nationwide ranging from owner managers to PLCs, principally in the leisure, retail, pub and restaurant sector; providing straightforward, practical and consistent advice and Employment Tribunal representation. Sally tutors students at Leicester University and Nottingham Trent University and in her spare time she enjoys watching cricket in the sunshine and trips to the South of France …
Wayne Smith
Managing Partner
Qualifying as a solicitor in 1999, Wayne had a previous career in the brewing industry. This experience of managing people in a commercial environment gives him a client’s eye perspective on employee relations and employment issues. Before founding Integra in 2010, Wayne worked for large law firms in the City of London and across the UK. He is also a visiting lecturer in employment law at the University of Westminster and a Governor of Carlton Le Willows Academy in Nottingham.
Lorraine Teague
Born and bred in the Midlands, Lorraine qualified as a solicitor in 1991 and was a partner of a leading Midlands firms for 12 years. Lorraine is a CEDR accredited mediator and is noted in Chambers legal directory as someone who “develops strong client relationships and is tenacious on their behalf” (Chambers 2012) and who is “is an experienced employment lawyer who is noted for her professionalism” (Chambers 2013). Lorraine is a Trustee of the North Warwickshire Citizen’s Advice Bureau, enjoys a round a golf and is trying to learn to play the guitar.
Georgeen Carney
Operations Manager
Frighteningly efficient, Georgeen ensures everything runs like clockwork. She previously worked in recruitment and ran her own business recruiting for the creative industry Georgeen has lived in London, Hong Kong and Malaysia. She is a big sports fan and former distance runner, but now spends most of her spare time running around after her two small children.
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    Nottingham 0115 987 6790